Making an inventory list

You are planning to make a relocation? If you are, you need to be sure that you are going to be able to relocate all your items with you. Keep in mind that the relocation process can be stressful and chaotic. You need to have everything organized and prepared for it. The best way to do it is making an inventory list. By making a list, you can be sure that you will not forget something and that you can relocate in the right way.

What you need to do before making an inventory list?

Before you start making an inventory list you need to make a decision which items you are going to relocate with you. Go through every room in your house and decide what are the main items which you need to relocate. When you decide, write down the items in your inventory list and separate them in categories. In this way, you will have a clear image and you will know how to move forward with your moving process.

On the other hand, you should get rid of the things which you will not relocate. You can either donate them or sell them. This is also a way, where you will have a clear space and you can stay organized for your relocation.

Start cleaning your house

In order to make an inventory list, you need to clean your entire house. Keep in mind that you need to know which items you are going to relocate with you, so you need to have everything in the right place. For example, start with organizing your garage. It does not matter that you are about to relocate, you need to clean your garage and to see are there any items which you are planning to relocate. Also, you should separate the rooms by days. In other words, take one entire day to clean a garage. The next day can be for your bedroom, the day after tomorrow for kitchen items… In this way, you will not need to hurry. It is important to take your time. If you are in a hurry, you are taking a risk to forget something.

Define the cost of your relocation

Calculating your moving cost is one of the important things which you need to do. When you define the cost of your relocation, you will know how many items you can relocate with you. By making an inventory list the next step is to write down all the things which you are planning to relocate and separate them in categories.

For example, you can write heavy and light items. Once you finish with writing all the items, you will know how much is your relocation going to cost you. In other words, you will know which moving company you need to hire, how to cut moving expenses, what is the average cost and many other things. On the other hand, it is an important thing to define the cost at the beginning of your moving process. It will be really helpful because you will know how to organize in the best way.

See what are the main things which you need to have for your moving
Define the cost of your relocation

Find packing materials for your items

Getting packing materials for your items is the next step in your relocation process. Also, when you are making an inventory list, you should write down which packing materials you are going to use. If you are planning to move on a budget, you should see what is the best way to get them for free. For example, you can find free boxes on USPS. On the other hand, you can always ask your family or friends to borrow you some of the materials if they have. Keep in mind that you need to protect your items. If you protect them, you will avoid any kind of a damage during your relocation. So, find bubble wrap, packing tape, packing markers, egg cartons and other materials which can be useful for your moving.

When you are making an inventory list, you should write down which packing materials you are going to use
Find packing materials

Pack your items in the right way

When you find packing materials, now it is time for you to start packing your items. However, you must know how to pack them in the right way. If you are moving electronics you must know how to secure them. Also, do not put different items in one box. Use markers and write on the top of the box from which room are the items in it. In other words, you should put items from the kitchen in one box, from the bedroom in one, from the living room in one… This is the best way for you to have a clear image where are your items. On the other hand, it will be easier for the movers when they need to load a moving truck. They will know which box contains heavy items and which box contains the light ones.

Make a final check

Once you have finished with packing your items, you need to make a final check. Use your inventory list and check the boxes. Make sure that they are in one place. If you are not sure about some box, be free to unpack it and to check all the items. Also, you should make a final check before your moving day, two or three days earlier. Keep in mind that you do not need to hurry. As we mentioned, if you are in a hurry, you might forget something.

Check all your items two or three days earlier
Make a final check

You are ready for your moving

In the end, you are ready for your relocation. On your moving day, wait for the movers to arrive. You can be helpful by using your inventory list and tell them what to load first inside a moving truck. When you finish with loading, make sure to arrive first at your new home and wait for them. You should also use your inventory list when you are unloading a moving truck and make sure that all your items are there.

To conclude, making an inventory list is a useful thing for your relocation. Having an inventory list will help you to organize your relocation in the best way.

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