We must remember that buying a house always comes with a certain risks. Hiring movers NYC can eliminate one of them. Finding the ideal mover is not very difficult. You just need to look for them. When buying a house in New York City, regardless of its size, year of construction and location, it is necessary to take into account a number of very important factors. Not everyone has enough free time, skills and means to build the house of their dreams. Therefore, many who dream of their own house, are looking for a way out in the secondary real estate market. Looking for a suitable option, which at first glance satisfies with all parameters – this is only half the case. But it is not so simple. Because behind the beautiful facade of the house many of its shortcomings and defects can be carefully hidden.

Before starting the inspection
Why did the owner build the house? This is the first thing that you need to find out before you start to look at the vending option. If the owner built the house for himself and he lived in it for a while, this is very good. If he built it for sale, you should think about whether it is worthwhile to contact him at all.
You should keep in mind that when the purpose of building a house is the sale, the quality of materials is probably not so good. In most cases, the person who decided to build and then sell the house will save as much as possible. Alas, but this is the law of the market: “Buy cheaper – sell more expensive.”
Another important nuance is that before buying a house in New York City, you should view it in the spring. That’s because at this time of the year all the problems with excessive moisture, dampness and the impact of groundwater will be visible. We are talking about stains, fungus and mold on the walls.
Roof, sewage, lighting and heating

The condition of the roof is one of the most important things to consider when buying a house in New York City. Examining the house, you should climb to the attic and carefully inspect the roof from the inside. You also need to check the drainage system of the building.
When checking the sewage system, it is necessary to flush a lot of water in the house. Then make sure that it merges into the cesspool quickly and without any problems. By the way, the more spacious the cesspool is, the less often it will be necessary to call the nightman.
You must carefully check the condition of electrical wiring, water supply and heating systems before agreeing to buy a house. So, if wires in a switchboard are in complete disorder, the house’s electrical wiring can fail at any moment. It does not hurt to check the operation of the boiler. If the batteries in the house become warmer after half an hour after the boiler is turned on, there is nothing to worry about.
What documents should you check when buying a house in New York City
Buying a house in NYC is a difficult and troublesome business. In order not to become a victim of scammers when buying a house, it is necessary to carefully check all the documents.

You will need:
- Two copies of the contract of sale of real estate;
- Title deed
- Commencement certificate (CC)
- Encumbrance certificate
- Approved layout plans
- Certificate of absence of debts on housing and communal services;
- Documents confirming the absence of other applicants for ownership of the house;
- Permits for previous home improvements.
- Check the title documents for the house itself and for the land. They must belong to the same person.
- Make out two contracts of sale: on the house itself and on the land on which it stands. Unfortunately, cases of fraud are not uncommon, when a seller, signing a purchase agreement, “forgets” to reissue the land. For a gullible buyer, this can turn into a lot of problems in the future, up to the loss of the house. It may turn out that the land on which the house was built was previously re-registered for another person. In this case, buying a house in New York City can be invalid.
- Make sure that the previous owners do not have any utility bills. The relevant certificates can issue the providers of utilities themselves, as well as companies that accept payment. If you don’t check, you can become not only the owner of your dream home, but also huge debts for housing and communal services.
- It happens that persons who is selling the house was married at the time of purchase. Then ask for a document confirming the consent of the second spouse for the sale of real estate.
- Check that there aren’t people who are temporarily discharged from the house. They can have the right to live there even if the owner of the house changes. This right have prisoners, patients of psychiatric clinics, old people living in nursing homes, as well as children who are in boarding schools. Otherwise, you risk acquiring a house “staffed” by strangers.
- Make sure that third parties, such as banks, do not have rights to land and house.
- If the seller received the house by inheritance, check to see if there are any other applicants for it.
Pay attention!
In the process of such an important event as buying a house in New York city, follow the rule “trust, but check”. Even if you think that the seller deserves your trust, checking documents will not be excess.
Useful advice
In the event that, when buying a house, you use the services of a realtor, he has all responsibility for the correct execution of documents.