Winter is finally over, and now it is time to open our windows and let some fresh air in. Personally, I’m not a big fan of snow, icy roads, and winter coats. I couldn’t wait to sense spring breeze and see blooming of the trees. And now it is the perfect moment to remove last remains of melted snow and prepare your home for the best season of the year. Yes, it is time for the spring cleaning!
But this year it will be different! I spent quite some time during boring winter days looking for ways to spice up upcoming spring cleaning. In the vast of DIY tutorials and advice from professionals, I managed to pinpoint few very interesting suggestions. After testing them I have decided to share them with you in order to make your imminent cleaning fun. Here you’ll find the best unusual spring cleaning ideas and tips!
Spring cleaning – Start with the backyard
Alright, now the most fundamental problem that everyone is faced with when doing this cleaning venture is that it is usually boring. However, there are ways to make it interesting. In my specific case – not all of my friends own a backyard or any yard at all. This is why my yard is usually the headquarters for get-togethers that are outside. Numerous barbecues in the spring and summer and bonfires in the winter take place here. And I enjoy it quite a bit.
You need to use this. Just like you would do with any get-together, you need to advertise this as a fun activity for you and your friends. Invite them over, prep some food and drinks and dig into it together. There are a few fundamental things to do and several that you wouldn’t normally remember to improve your backyard.
Take care of the fire hot-spots
You had numerous bonfires in the winter. Fun times, I know. Many epic stories happened, sleepless nights and even some relationships sparked next to such fires. But those fires leave a mark – a mark that needs to be taken care of. For a very cheap price, you can buy a piece of grass (maybe even artificial turf) that you can use to cover up the fire spot. Just clean it and put some fresh dirt on it, place the square feet of grass over it and voila!
The best part about this unorthodox move is that, when winter comes, you can just remove it and store it. On its spot, you still have the fireplace, and when new spring comes you can reuse that grass. This will take almost no time, absolutely no effort and just a few bucks.
Knock out the gutters
This is something your friends will be very helpful with, hopefully. You need to take care of the gutters and prep for whatever mayhem mother nature has in store for your corner of the world. The rains might come in, and your backyard will be absolutely ready for it. We used to have a lot of fun using leaf blowers to blow out the gutters. Another easy way to do it is to get a garden hose and shot water through the gutters under very high pressure. You also might end up with a fountain of fun leaves flying around!
Take care of the plants
Basically, you can buy those in-ground sprinklers and if the weather is warm enough you could host a sprinkler party. You would both have fun and start watering and taking care of the vegetation you own. Sprinkles and beer and a few hours of gardening work and you have an epic day with epic results.
Move to the garage
This one is a drag. The worst part is when you open your garage after months of dumping things inside and then you have that moment… Where do I even start? I have discovered that the best part for me, when tackling the garage, is to nail a ton of nails and hooks into walls, wherever and whenever possible. This allows you to hang things. You will be amazed at how much spaces is cleared when you start decorating your garage with hanging tools and things alike across the walls.
It will also give you an excellent overview of whats there and what you have. The second part comes in soon after, you need to be honest with yourself – do you really need it? There might be a ton of things in there that you actually used once, or even never used. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and so is your trash, probably. You can ‘reward’ some of your friends by letting them have a free reign over stuff you don’t need. Alternatively, you can organize a yard sale and earn a few extra bucks – getting rid of things you don’t need anyway.
Spring cleaning worst for last – Bathroom
Let’s face it, the bathroom is the absolute worst when it comes to maintenance and cleaning. At least for me. I hate it. There is absolutely no silver lining I can put around it to have my friends help out with cleaning. And it is usually something I end up doing alone. However, I’ve discovered a few ways to do it fast and effective.
Super-soak it
It’s just what it sounds like. First, make sure you take out of the bathroom everything that might get soaking wet. This involves towels, cosmetics, bathroom rugs (if any), and so forth. Then, take your shower and switch it to ultra hot water and start spraying everything. The bathtub, the sink, the toilet, the floors, everything should be sprinkled with nearly boiling water. A huge amount of filth will start coming out of variously hidden pores, and it will group up on the floor – ultimately leaving through the pipeworks. Next, soak it with chemicals, open the window and let it rest. Once its done, redo the step number one to wash it all out.
After this, your bathroom will look spotless. Finish it up with some fine polishing and you should be good to go! Let it dry, bring stuff back inside and enjoy your flawless tactics. here are some more tips on how to improve your bathroom after spring clean.