There was a time when you thought that having a walk-in closet was a good idea. But if you see that your walk-in closet is in an unorderly state, you may come to the realization that having a walk-in closet is hell. If you think that – think again. All you have to do is to organize your walk-in closet well, and it will make a difference between disorganized hell and organized heaven. This is why we offer you some tips for organizing your walk-in closet. Let’s get straight to the point!
Take it all out!
Empty your mind. Good. Now empty your closet. You will finally see the true capacity of your walk-in closet. Clean it. Now you have a clean and empty canvas in which you can let your creativity flow. Try to keep it minimal after that.

Separate goodness from badness
Now, you should separate what you need from what you don’t. Decide what you want to wear. Are there any things you don’t need anymore? Good, get rid of them.
There are two ways in which one can get rid of unnecessary stuff. The first way is to donate your clothes you don’t wear anymore. There certainly are a few donation centers in your vicinity. Take your clothes you don’t wear anymore and give them to them. That stuff will serve someone.
Also, if you have someone who you can gift your clothes too, do it. Maybe someone loves the clothes you hate. There are many different kinds of people in this world.
If you have stuff that isn’t even for donation, you can simply throw those stuff away. In this, be ruthless.
Declutter your mind… We mean closet
Once you have separated the stuff you don’t need from stuff you do, it is time to organize your good stuff by type. How you are going to organize it depends on your vision. Just have one.
But the general rule of thumb is that certain kinds of stuff go with the stuff of the same or similar type. Bras go with bras, nightdresses go with nightdresses. But that doesn’t have to be the case. You are the master of your walk-in closet. Just try to keep it organized this time, so you don’t have to deal with clutter.

Expand your walk-in closet without expanding it
This is where true masters of walk-in closet organization shine. Getting more space in the same space.
By buying drawers that match the style of your walk-in closet, you’ll be getting more space. The trick is to go vertical. Also, you can use the space under your stands for things like shoes and similar.
Be creative, be smart.