Renters usually want to live in a decent place. It doesn’t need to look fancy, yet nobody wants to live somewhere disgusting. The kitchen is the heart of the home, so it should be an attractive place to cook, eat, and entertain. And, it should be functional, too. But, many renters don’t particularly love the kitchen they have. Many of them wonder should you renovate a kitchen in rented apartment. The quick answer is yes. But, there’s more to it than that.
Should you renovate a kitchen in rented apartment? – Ask your landlord
Of course, you can always ask, but that doesn’t mean it will happen. Therefore, be careful if you decide to ask. You don’t want to disturb your landlord. Be professional and have your arguments laid out ahead of time. Want to know how to make your rental feel like home, then come prepared.

Review your lease
Before you take the chance and have a conversation with the landlord about renovating the kitchen, you need to review your lease. It may already include something about renovations. And you’ve already signed and agreed to. So, make sure you check before bringing it up with your property manager.
Should you renovate a kitchen in rented apartment? – Know the cost
Before renovating and trying kitchen design trends that never go out of style, you should know the cost. Renovations can cost you a lot, especially when it comes to kitchen renovations. It’s expensive to replace cabinets, countertops, floors, and appliances. In case you want quality products, it will cost even more. And someone has to pay for all of it. Your landlord may not be so willing to foot the bill.
But, if those renovations can increase rent for tenants, they may be more willing. So, if you’re okay with paying a higher rent, this can be a good way to sell your landlord on the idea.
Be prepared
You know that renovations take time. It could take one week or two months. During this time you probably won’t have a fully functioning kitchen. Also, it may be loud and dusty during the renovation process. So, think about what that means for you on a day-to-day basis. If you ask for a kitchen renovation, your landlord may expect you to do some of the work. Paying for labor can be expensive, so you might have to do some work to save money. But, you can also learn how to get your landlord to pay for apartment renovations. At least, you can try it.

Should you renovate a kitchen in rented apartment? – Manage your expectations
While there may be exceptions, most landlords aren’t renting out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it to make money. And when a renovation doesn’t fill their wallet at the end, it’s unlikely they’ll agree to it. Keep in mind that you signed a lease for your apartment as is. In case you signed it after seeing the kitchen, you’re stuck with it. Also, if you signed the lease without seeing the kitchen, you’re still stuck with it. Both way, if your landlord doesn’t agree to a renovation and you signed a contract, you shouldn’t expect it.