Things to do before selling your California home

Best things to do before selling your California home

The process of preparing a house for moving doesn’t have to be demanding if you plan well, but don’t take this task lightly. Depending on how you prepare, you will be able to sell the house in the best possible way. While you’re going through the whole hassle of moving things and trying to find more space, let’s go over a few little tips you can implement to make the sale go as smoothly as possible.

Plenty of things to do before selling your California home
Selling a home and moving can be a good idea

#Find a good real estate agent

People think that they can sell their houses by themselves. While that may be true it is not advisable at all. In the same way, you would hire professionals like to help you with your relocation, you need a real estate agent to help you sell your home. If you try to do it yourself, chances are you will waste a lot of time and lose a lot of money. And don’t hire the first person you come across, find an agent you trust to sell your house for the most money.

#Improve the curb appeal

When it comes to selling your house the book is definitely judged by its cover. That is why you should do the best you can to impress potential buyers and increase your chances of selling the home for a good price. One of the ways of doing that is improving the curb appeal. Don’t worry at all. You can do that easily as there are many ways to make your front yard much more appealing to potential buyers. Plant some beautiful flowers in front of the house to make everything prettier and eco-friendly. Also, painting your front door is another great idea as it would increase the first impression greatly. While doing this be very careful about the colors you pick. it would be best if you asked someone else for their opinion as you are redecorating the exterior. Try to think of some easy simple things yourself that you can do.

painting fence
Try to repaint and fix everything to improve the appeal

#Depersonalize your home

One of the things you should definitely do before selling your California home is to try to depersonalize it as much as possible. It is up to the seller to put away as many of his personal things as possible, such as family photos, paintings, furniture, etc. so that the house would be as attractive as possible to as many potential buyers as possible. It is necessary to leave as much empty space as possible so that the buyer can visualize his ideal home from the empty space. In this way, you will significantly increase your chances of selling the house.

#Fix everything that doesn’t work

Do your best to fix everything that might be broken, such as a light bulb, doorknob, pipes, and so on. This may seem like a small thing, but it is not at all. Imagine leaving a broken doorknob. If a buyer walked in and saw that, he would immediately think that there might be a lot more things that are broken. Do not forget that buying a house is a very risky business. That’s why you have to make an effort to instill as much self-confidence as possible in the potential buyer.

Tips on how to prepare for the move before selling home

What precedes or follows after buying a house is, of course, moving. It is a very important process that must not go wrong, so you need to know how to do it correctly. One of the most important things about moving is the packing process. There is a much faster way of packing and that is to simply leave the task to experts and focus on some more important things.

Woman packing
There are plenty of things you should do before selling your California home

Some people say you should try to decide if you should renovate or move, but since you decided to move it is for the best if you started to plan the move in advance. Let’s see some of the tips that might prove to be helpful:

  • Have a bag of essentials; There is nothing worse than when you need something urgently and you cannot access it because everything is packed away. To avoid this, take one bag and put in it everything you might need during the trip, such as medicine, spare clothes, water, etc.
  • Don’t waste money on new boxes; No need to waste money. Instead, look for a nearby furniture store and ask them if they have any boxes they don’t need. Later, tape those boxes that are torn so that you can use them.
  • Book in advance; One of the best ways to organize your move is to book a good company in advance. That way, you will be much more flexible about moving and that will make a lot of things easier for you. If you want to save money, book in the off-season because then the prices are much lower.


Moving and selling a home doesn’t have to be demanding and stressful at all. It’s all about good organization and planning ahead. You need to know where to look for professional help and how to best use it. There are plenty of things you can do before selling your California home so stick to them and stay focused. And don’t forget to invite friends to help you with the whole process. That way, everything will be much more fun and will remain in your fond memories.

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